Saturday, January 18, 2025
Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor

Murdock Newsletter - August 4, 2010






Trinity Lutheran Church is expanding!  This church is one of the churches on Church Road.  It is a quaint

building that will be used even more with the new addition.



Local Kids Enjoy Wheelchair Camp

Kalee Brewer, Wabash, daughter of Tom and Kelli Brewer, volunteered at Junior Wheelchair Sports and Recreation Camp last week at the Iowa School for the Deaf in Council Bluffs, Iowa.  Joseph Anderson, Elmwood, was one of the campers.  Millie Anderson and Garyn Folden of Elmwood were also volunteers.  The camp gives handicapped kids an opportunity to try out different sports and to learn how they can play them.  The kids tried out volleyball, basketball, football, boccia ball, martial arts, archery, tennis, swimming, roller skating, track, and rugby.


Kalee and Charlie work on their Martial Arts skills

Garyn leads the kids in a scavenger hunt.

Joe shoots pool with Cole Ross of Plattsmouth.


Cowboy Up is a local band that has been very supportive of fundraisers in the Cass County area.  They are always volunteering to come out and help out whenever needed.  They are a great group of guys who like to sing country music and have a good time.  They will make the Avoca event a blast!  Tell all your friends, load up the trucks, and come out and help raise some money for the flood victims! Click here for more info about the Cowboy Up Band.


Youths Discover 4-H This Summer

4-H youth and their friends continued to Discover 4-H – Discover You this summer with Cass County 4-H events and workshops in July. Diane Mayfield, Cass County Extension Associate, continued to work with adults and youth 4-H Junior Leaders to plan and implement these opportunities. Volunteers play a vital role in the 4-H Youth Development Program and we encourage you to Get Involved Today!! by contacting the Cass County Extension office at 267-2205 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Cass County 4-Hers with the help of adult and youth volunteers celebrate 4-H yearly by working on Care & Share projects throughout the year to be displayed at the county fair and to be donated to others at the end of the fair. The goal for 2010 is 108 quilts/kwiltz to celebrate 108 years of 4-H along with other projects. A Community Service Workshop Day was held, July 8, to sew Quilts of Valor blocks for the war wounded and Colene Shrader Memorial Kidz ForKwiltz for donation; fill layered soup jars for emergency services; sew Tote Bags for the Omaha Child Saving Institute; and sew Conquer Cancer pillowcases for hospitalized youth. The Southern Cass Sowers 4-H Club sewed kennel mats for the Plattsmouth Animal Shelter and Dachshund Rescue, July 22. Other Care & Share projects for donation include Dressed Bears, Care & Share Baskets/Filled School Bags, Fleece Hats, Mittens, Scarves, Operation Military Kids Hero Packs, and a Pop Tab Collection for the Ronald McDonald House.

Nebraska 4-H is partnering with the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha to do field studies to see if Nebraska amphibians have been affected by environmental factors causing a worldwide crisis among amphibians. Cass County 4-Hers and friends braved a rainy morning, July 12, at Platte River State Park to swab amphibian bellies for culture samples under the direction of Renee Thakur, 4-H volunteer. The youth also tried their hand at Archery, made Wildlife Track Casts and learned how the make an outdoor Healthy Lifestyles lunch under the direction of Scott Holland, 4-H volunteer.

Jeannie Nichols, 4-H volunteer, conducted a 2 day workshop, July 14 and July 21, to discuss Internet safety and show 4-Hers how to make and design a website and take and edit photos for websites. The websites can be entered in the fair for judging and exhibit by the 4-Hers.

See all the 4-Hers’ accomplishments at the fair! A Cake Auction (includes pies and sweet rolls) and Style Show/Awards Program kicks off the Cass County Fair, Tuesday, August 10, at 6:30 P.M. at the Open Air Auditorium on the Cass County fairgrounds 3 miles north of Weeping Water, Ne. The fair runs through August 14.

Slater Mozena turns into a frog to help youth learn about animal adaptation – did you know that frogs actually use their eyeballs to help them swallow?

Liz Rice gives a final press to her Quilt of Valorblock


Eric Horn begins experimenting with his web design

IMG_6046Pictured are two of the 108 quilts made by 4-Hers and volunteers as part of the 2010 Care & Share project.  10 quilts (bidders’ choice from the 108 quilts) will be sold when silent auction bidding closes at 9:30 P.M. at the Cass County Fair, Saturday, August 14, in the 4-H Building on the fairgrounds. Proceeds will help fund the 2011 Care & Shareproject.  Bids may be submitted during the fair (August 11-14).  The remaining quilts will be donated to emergency services in Cass and Sarpy Counties and to those in need

A frog is ready for belly swabbing after being captured by Andrew Sjogren




Region 6 Behavioral Healthcare

***If you are interested, you

Once you are registered you will be emailed an

Are you an anti-drug coalition member or youth group leader? Contact Jona Beck at

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how you can help out.


Jeffrey W. Helaney

Manager of Prevention System Services

3801 Harney Street

Omaha, NE 68131

Office (402) 996-8381

Fax (402) 444-7722



Community Sustaining Sponsors 2010


2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor



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