Saturday, January 18, 2025
Made possible in part by Community Sustaining Sponsor

Murdock Newsletter May 12, 2010

“Small Town” Day at the Live Race Meet at Lincoln Race Course on June 6, 2010.
We are purchasing a Blanket with the name of your town on it and then asking everyone who lives in your town that is attending the Live Races on June 6th to come join us in the Winner’s Circle to present the Blanket to the  horse that wins your race. 
We are also giving FREE General Admission to anyone who shows a Drivers License with the address of your town on June 6, 2010.
We would like your help if possible in letting the people who live in your town get this information.   We will visit your town and ask if we can put up a few Posters and if you have a Newsletter perhaps letting us put this information in it. 
Listed below are the names of the Towns and which Race they will be sponsoring on June 6, 2010.  The Town with the most people in the winner’s circle will also win a small trophy. Thank you and you can contact me at 402-473-4104 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Race 1 – Denton  
Race 2 – Murdock
Race 3 – Pleasant Dale 
Race 4 – Eagle
Race 5 - Malcolm
Race 6 - Martell
Race 7 - Raymond
Race 8 - Hickman
Race 9 - Elmwood

 Lincoln Race Course -




Attention: Elmwood High School Alumni

Come see… Something Old, Something New

At the 2010 Elmwood High School

Alumni Banquet

Saturday May 29th 2010,

6-6:30 Social Time and School Tours

6:30 Dinner

Elmwood School Gym

400 West F Street

Enter at the South Activity Doors

Honor Classes

1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985


Roast Beef or Chicken, Potatoes,

Vegetable, Salads, Dinner Rolls, and Desserts

Please return the bottom portion of this invitation with payment By May 21, 2010

By Mail to: Teresa (Drake) Hawks, 209 N West Street, Elmwood NE 68349

By Email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Or Call Angie (John) Willey at (402)994-4225

Reservations must be made in advance.


2010 Elmwood High School Alumni Banquet Reservation



Class of __________

Address and Phone #______________________

Number Attending________________X $13.00 each



Please make checks payable to: Elmwood H.S. Alumni Association

Find our group on Facebook.  Search for Elmwood H.S. Alumni Association


This invitation was mailed last week.  If you are a graduate of Elmwood High School and did not receive it in the mail, the Alumni does not have your correct address.  Please email your current address to or mail it to the address above. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

KNIGHTLY NEWS from the Elementary School:


Students that have a negative lunch account and do not have a cold lunch will not be allowed to charge a hot lunch or breakfast beginning Monday, May 24, 2010 through Thursday, May 27, 2010 .  We also will not charge breakfasts. Students that have a negative lunch account and have not brought a cold lunch will be given a peanut butter sandwich and milk and their parents will be contacted.  (The cost of the milk and peanut butter sandwich is $1.00.)  All accounts and fines must be paid by May 28, 2010.  Report Cards and PowerSchool will not be made available until all accounts are paid.  Thank you for your cooperation.


The S.O.S. parent organization will be providing lunch for our students on May 28th, the last day of school.   We will be having grilled hamburgers, chips, fruit, and a beverage.  Students that do not wish to eat the lunch provided by the S.O.S may bring a sack lunch. The last day for the school hot lunch program and breakfast program will be May 27, 2010.


The 3rd grade will host a school Talent Show on May 27th at 1:00 p.m.  All students, staff, and parents are welcome to come and watch the show.  If you would like to audition, please send in an entry form by May 10th.  We request that we have just one form per act please.  You may be in no more than two acts.  Auditions for the Talent Show will be on May 14th.  All K-6 students are eligible to audition and to be a part of the talent show. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Backemeyer.


We have enough students registered to offer sessions 1, 2, and 3.  However, we do not have enough interest in sessions 4 and 5 to offer them at this time.

We are planning to offer Summer Knights Childcare for our students this summer.  We have commitments from 11 students and believe that we can make this work financially for the school district.  Summer Knights Childcare Handbooks will be sent home to the families that have registered for the childcare program.  Please contact the school if you are interested in registering your child or would like more information regarding the program.  The program will run from June 1, 2010 through August 13, 2010.


The EM Volleyball Camp is scheduled for Wed.-Fri. June 2nd-4th.  Forms are due by May 15th.  Please contact Mary in the school office if you need a new form.


Does your child love animals? Kids completing grades 2-4 will spend the week learning about animals and their care at Junior Vet Camp sponsored by Oxbow Animal Health. Session 2: Elmwood-Murdock High School, June 7-10, 2010 from 8:30-1:00pm.

For more locations, dates and the 2010 registration form visit

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (June 7-11)                                                                                    Attention, campers!  Get ready for the adventure awaiting you at CAMP E.D.G.E.  where you can “Experience and Discover God Everywhere.”  Camp will run daily from 9am-12pm, June 7-11 at the Elmwood Christian Church.   This venture is a cooperative effort uniting the gifts, talents and resources of Elmwood Christian, St. Paul UMC and Ebenezer UMC.

Camp is open to all children ages 4 years to completing the 6th grade.  The Camp E.D.G.E. curriculum includes classroom time, music, crafts and plenty of outdoor exercise!  A fee of $7 per child or $12 per family is suggested.  We suggest arriving by 8:45am on Monday morning to allow everyone to complete their registration.

Advance registration sheets may be obtained by contacting Anne Pope by phone 781-9233 or via email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

MISSOULA CHILDREN’S THEATER (June 14-19)                                                                   Auditions for the Missoula Children’s Theatre production of “King Arthur’s Quest”  will be held on Monday, June 14, 2010 from 10am to 12pm at the Lofte Community Theatre near Manley.  There are roles for students entering 1st grade through 7th grade.  Those wishing to audition must arrive by 10am and be prepared to stay for the whole two-hour session.  The first rehearsal begins 15-30 minutes after auditions.  There is no guarantee that everyone who auditions will be cast in the play.

The first rehearsal will begin at approximately 12:30pm on Monday, right after auditions.  Subsequent rehearsals will take place at the Lofte each day that week (through June 19) from 10am to 2:30pm.  Although not all actors will be needed at each session, they should make sure they have a clear schedule for the entire week.  It is important that each child attends ALL rehearsals required for their role.   A detailed schedule for each child/role will be distributed after auditions

The Lofte will hold two public performances on Saturday, June 19th, 2010.  The first is at 3pm, the second at 6pm.  More information about “King Arthur’s Quest” can be found on the Lofte’s website,

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday - May 12th - Desserts for Daughters

Saturday - May 15th - High School Graduation

Monday - May 17th - Elmwood Murdock Merchants Association (EMMA) meeting - Murdock - Joe Bochgaloopies 7:00 pm

Tuesday - May 18th - Junior High Honors Night 7:00 pm

Monday - May 24 – All Stars Celebration for 6th grade students and families at 7:00 p.m. in the gym

Thursday - May 27 – School Talent Show from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Friday - May 28 – Field Day from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Friday - May 28 – Last day of school

Saturday - June 12th - Elmwood Murdock City Wide Garage Sales

Tuesday - June 15th - EMMA Good Neighbor Nominations Due

Community Sustaining Sponsors 2010


2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

Events Calendar

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