Thursday, December 12, 2024
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Murdock Newsletter - January 13th, 2010

Hey Readers,

I hope you enjoy this week of my Murdock Newsletter. If you have any questions, comments or information you would like me to put in the newsletter, just email me!



Just a reminder for those who signed up for Scapbooking for the fundraiser for the Band Trip to Washington, D.C. it is on Saturday, January 16th, 2010. From 9am to Midnight. At Murdock in the Bandroom.


There will be an Annual Pancake and Sausage Feed at the Elmwood Community Center Saturday 16th. From 6:30am-12:30pm. It is a free will offering.


A word from Annette about Boot Camp!

First of all, Happy New Year to all of you! I don't know about you, but I am so very ready to get back into a workout routine and work off some of these holiday treats that seem to landed on my hips.

Congratulations to Jnel for attending the most classes in December for our December Challenge. Way to go! I will have a prize for you this week.

If you would like to try boot camp you will get a great work out! Classes will be on the same schedule for now. Monday evenings will be subject to change, depending upon attendance levels. The schedule currently is:

Monday, 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Wednesday 6:45 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Friday 5:30 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.
Saturday 6:15 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.

There have been some questions about a beginner boot camp class. If you know anyone who might be interested, can you please let me know? If I have at least 3 interested parties, I plan to start a 30 to 45 minute beginner class, two days a week, as well.

Boot camp meets at the Flying Wheels during the winter but during the summer we take advantage of the park and the trail!  Each session is different and you will find muscles you never knew you had! But the benefit comes when you see how much you've improved.  Please give me a call if you have any questions or want more information about Boot Camp!


Annette Eggert


Because of all the snow days Elmwood-Murdock has had there will be a few changes in the 2nd Semester schedule.
Nebraska State Law requires each school district to schedule a mandatory number of school hours
and instructional units in a given school in order to be an accredited district.  The first change was to push back
the end of the second semester to January 22, 2010.  In order to get the right amount of hours the school is canceling all Early Dismissal for Staff Development days.  There will be no Spring Break on March 5th and 12th.  Starting on January 22nd the school day will start 5 minutes earlier at 8:05 and will last 10 minutes longer dismissing at 3:40.  The good news is that we still have 5 snow days left on the books!  This plan should help to make up any time we've lost and also ensures that there will be no more snow days.



Click here to see the school's breakfast and lunch menu.

Upcoming Events

  • 1-13 School Board meeting at Murdock 7:00pm

  • 1-14 HS Basketball game at Conestoga Girls/Boys JV 4:45. Girls Varsity 6:15. Boys Varsity 8:00

  • 1-22 End of 2nd Semester for Elmwood-Murdock School

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsors:

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

2010 Community Sustaining Sponsor

Events Calendar

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